WP3.2. Seminar on the Skill and Knowledge Gap of Kosovar Graduates: the Views of Large and Small Enterprises
Staff from the 6 partner universities in Kosovo (Universities of Gjakova, Gjilan, Peja, Prishtina, Ferizaj and Riinvest College), partner companies and NGO partners (Uje Rugove, Hotel Dukagjini, Enrad, Trepharm, Women in Business and Kosovo Chamber of Commerce) of the EUFORIA project attended the Seminar on ‘the Skill and Knowledge Gap of Kosovar Graduates: the Views of Large and Small Enterprises’ on Tuesday 27 September, 2016 in Prishtina, read it. The Seminar was jointly organized by Staffordshire University and the University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka”. Remarks on the Graduate Skill Gap were given by HE Minister of Education and Science, Prof Dr Arsim Bajrami and HE Minister of Trade and Industry Prof Dr Hykmete Bajrami. In addition the results of the surveys on the views of enterprises about Kosovar university graduates were presented.
One of the objectives of the project is to identify the skill and knowledge gaps of university graduates from the point of view of employers (small, medium and large companies in Kosovo), and then improve the curricula of our partner universities so that these skills and knowledge elements are built into the curricula.
In order to do this, we commissioned surveys on the views of enterprises about Kosovar university graduates. The survey was conducted in 100 large and medium sized companied by Riinvest Institute and in 50 small and micro companies by our partner ‘Women in Business’. The results were presented in the Seminar.
There was also a presentation by Prof Besnik Krasniqi from the Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina on his research on the views of graduates about the challenges they faced when they entered the world of employment.
In addition to the presentations by Kosovar colleagues, Dr Jana Fiserova an Economist from Staffordshire University presented the experience of Staffordshire University in developing its ‘employability project’ and embedding employability skills in the curricula of its entire study programmes.