University of Zagreb
The University of Zagreb (UNIZG) (est. 1669) is the oldest and largest university in South-Eastern Europe. Continually growing and developing, it now comprises 29 faculties, three art academies and the Centre for Croatian Studies. With its comprehensive programmes and over 60,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students UNIZG is listed among 400 of the worlds’ best universities on the Shanghai list 2012.The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) was established in 1920 and is the oldest HE institution for economics and business in this part of Europe holding an EPAS accreditation. Its goal is to train future generations of the country’s business and economic leaders. UNIZG has had extensive links and cooperation arrangements with the corporate sector in Croatia for decades and has benefitted immensely from these links. The cooperation is based on education (provision of courses suited to the needs of the corporate sector) as well as on scientific research and expertise. FEB embraced the lifelong learning approach by organising several postgraduate specialist study programmes, a postgraduate doctoral study programme, executive education and professional training courses. UNIZG has been very active in European programmes (Socrates, Erasmus, Tempus, Leonardo, etc.) and has coordinated several very successful projects. It has a great deal of experience as a beneficiary of EU funded programmes such as Tempus and, as the newest EU member state, is now willing to share this experience with other countries and provide benefits to other countries. UNIZG also has long term relation with universities in Kosovo as many of its older members of staff were educated in Zagreb when both countries were part of the former Yugoslavia. Many Kosovar staff speak Croatian and will be able to communicate easily when on academic visits to Croatia.
Role of the University in this project
UNIZG will be the joint leader of WPs 5 and 6 (Advice Centres and Quality Plan), drawing on its extensive experience of working with small and medium sized enterprises and the quality assurance experience of previous projects. It will also participate in the activities of other WPs, especially WPs 1, 2 and 4, and contribute to the preparation of case studies of Kosovar companies. It will host the visit by senior staff of Kosovar universities (WP1) as well as workshops on case study writing and on training courses for enterprises envisaged in these WPs. It will provide time for professors to participate in seminars and workshops of the project in Kosovo and to teach the training courses to enterprises. It will participate in, and contribute to the Dissemination Workshops (WP7). UNIZG will support the Coordinator by maintaining good records and retaining the documents related to the project (WP8).
Staff Involved in the project:

Jurica Pavičić is professor of marketing, nonprofit marketing and marketing strategy at FEB, UNIZG. He holds a PhD in business marketing from UNIZG and a PhD in sociology from University of Klagenfurt, Austria. He has served as Head of Department of Marketing and Vice Dean for research and administration at FEB. He is currently Vice Dean for international relations and accreditations at FEB and President of the Management Board of the Institute of Public Finance in Zagreb. He also leads the Croatian Center for excellence in the field of management education. He has been Head of Croatian Marketing Association, Zagreb chapter. He has designed and managed a specialised postgraduate course on nonprofit marketing at FEB and has lectured in many different formal and informal training programmes for nonprofit organisations. He authored 11 monographs, edited books & university textbooks, more than 40 papers in scientific journals and more than 20 papers in the proceedings of international scientific conferences. He has extensive project management & implementation experience (research projects, EU-financed CARDS & TEMPUS projects), as well as extensive consulting experience in profit, non-profit & public sectors.

Contact Person : Jurica Pavicic