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Università Politecnica delle Marche


Università Politecnica delle Marche

The Department of Economics and Social Sciences (DiSES) of the Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM) has a long-standing tradition in far reaching interdisciplinary research projects. Seminal works were published on the dualism of the Italian labour market and the factors responsible for the existence of a large black/grey sector, the structural tendency to macroeconomic instability in late developing European Countries and the regional distribution of economic activity and infrastructure, with particular emphasis on the birth and development of the Italian industrial districts for which the term NEC model was coined. DiSES has been in the forefront in designing courses aimed at sustaining the development of entrepreneurship and the small firm industrial structure typical of Central Italy.

Role of the University in this project

UNIVPM will be the joint leader of WP 4 (Training Courses for Enterprises), drawing on its experience of working with small and medium sized enterprises and understanding their skill and qualification needs. It will also participate in the activities of other WPs, especially WPs 1 and 3, and contribute to the preparation of case studies of Kosovar companies. It will host the visit by senior staff of Kosovar universities (WP1) as well as workshops on embedding skills needed by enterprises in the curricula and on training courses for enterprises envisaged in these WPs. It will provide time for professors to participate in seminars and workshops of the project in Kosovo and to teach the training courses to enterprises. It will participate in, and contribute to the Dissemination Workshops (WP7). UNIVPM will support the Coordinator by maintaining good records and retaining the documents related to the project (WP8).

Staff involved in the project:

Giuseppe Canullo
Prof Canullo will be the contact person for UNIVPM. He has previous experience of managing a variety of EU funded projects. He will bring his first hand experience of the higher education transition problems in the Balkans area and his expertise at encouraging managers to assist the internationalisation process of Italian small firms
Stefano Staffolani
Prof. Stefano Staffolani is a labour market economist with extensive theoretical, methodological and applied research experience on the job search and work attainment of graduates. He will use his knowledge in designing surveys to understand local labour market needs to the benefit of the project
Marco Cucculelli
Prof. Marco Cucculelli has years of experience in small business and entrepreneurship policy research. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Small Business Management

Contact Person: Giuseppe Canullo



