University Hasan Prishtina
University Hasan Prishtina (UP) is an autonomous public HEI engaged in education, research, artistic, professional and other fields of academic activities. It has the following objectives:
- To act as a leading centre for the advancement of knowledge, ideas and science for the HE system in XK;
- To play the leading role in the development of education, science, culture, society and the economic development of XK;
- To assist in the process of promoting democratic citizenship;
- To create and maintain the highest standards in teaching, learning and scientific research;
- To use resources in the most efficient manner;
- To cooperate and participate in educational activities nationally, regionally and internationally and align with European standards;
- To fully integrate into the European Higher Education Area (ie. the Bologna system, Lisbon Convention) and the European Scientific Research Area, and undertake appropriate reforms needed to achieve these objectives. UP accounts for over 70% of all students in XK.
The Faculty of Economics has over 13,000 students and is the largest Faculty of UP. It has 12 full professors, 20 associate professors and 35 assistant professors. It has undergraduate programmes in Banking and Finance, Management, Economics, Marketing and Accounting. The Faculty also has 2000 postgraduate students and Masters’ degrees in Banking and Finance, Management, Economics, Marketing, and also Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development (which was developed as part of the Tempus project 145061-TEMPUS-2008-UK-JPHES). The Faculty also has 80 students enrolled on its PhD programmes in Banking and Finance, Management, Economics, and Marketing.
Role of the University in this project
The Faculty of Economics, UP will participate in all activities of the project. It will be the joint leader of WP 7, and will also participate in the activities of all other WPs. It will host workshops and seminars held in Prishtina; appoint Placement Officers and sign MoUs with partner companies of the project (WP1); nominate staff for staff placement and participation in workshops related to writing case studies (WP2), appoint staff to work on reviewing the curricula with a view to include skills and knowledge needed by enterprises (WP3), allocate staff to be involved in the provision of training courses for enterprises (WP4) and advice to SMEs (WP5). It will provide time for professors and assistants to attend workshops and seminars held in the EU as foreseen by the project (WPs 1-4). It will participate in, and contribute to the organisation of the Dissemination Workshops (WP7) and the internal and external evaluation of the quality of the project (WP6). UP-FE will work closely with the two NGOs to contact SMEs. It will support SU in WP8 by maintaining good records and documentation.
Staff involved in the project:

Contact Person: Ymer Havolli