University Haxhi Zeka
The University of “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja (UHZ) is a descendant of the Faculty of Business and Applied Sciences (FSHAB) of the University of Prishtina in Peja, that was obtener tarjeta de credito established in 1960 by decision taken by the Government of Kosova, when it began as the Higher Economic and Commercial School, Peja.
At the University of “Haxhi Zeka” there are five faculties: Faculty of Business; Faculty of Law; Faculty of Tourism Management, Hospitality and the Environment; Faculty of Agri-Business and Faculty of Arts. Around 10000 students are enrolled at the University. The biggest Faculty is the Faculty of Business which has 3000 students.
The University of “Haxhi Zeka” is established as a higher education institution for research and science, which will issue diplomas from bachelor up to the level of doctorate (PhD). Its mission is to contribute to continuous development and capacity building through the preparation of qualified individuals in various fields. Moreover, the UHZ mission is to prepare its students for the job market by equipping them with the necessary skills and competences.
Role of the University in this project
As a relatively new university, UHZ will benefit greatly from its involvement in the project. It will be the joint leader of WP3 and will also participate in the activities of all other WPs. It will host workshops and seminars held in Peja; appoint a Placement Officer and sign MoUs with at least one of the partner companies of the project (WP1); nominate staff for placements and participation in workshops related to writing case studies (WP2), appoint staff to work on reviewing the curricula with a view to include skills and knowledge needed by enterprises (WP3), allocate staff to be involved in the provision of training courses for enterprises (WP4) and advice to SMEs (WP5). It will provide time for professors and assistants to attend workshops and seminars held in EU countries as foreseen by the project (WPs 1-4). It will participate in, and contribute to the organisation of the Dissemination Workshops (WP7) and the work of the internal and external evaluators of the quality of the project (WP6). UHZ will work closely with the two NGOs to contact SMEs. They will assist SU in WP8 by maintaining good records and retaining documentation.
Staff involved in the project:

Contact Person: Bashkim Nurboja
Video: Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka”, Peje