WP7 Dissemination and Exploitation
WP7.2 Final Dissemination and Project Meetings
The EUFORIA project’s Final Dissemination and Project Meetings took place in Prishtina on 10-11 July 2018, with seventy people attending. The participants of the activities of different Work Packages presented their experiences of working on this project. The Rectors, Vice Rectors and Deans of the participating universities summarised the impact of the project on their universities. Placement Officers of the partner universities discussed the progress of establishing links and signing MOUs with enterprises and the placement of students in enterprises. Some of the participants of the Curriculum Development Workshops discussed their experiences of attending these workshops and how their subjects have been influenced by the CD Workshops. Similarly, some of the colleagues conducting the Training Courses for enterprises which were organised through our partner organisations Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Riinvest College and the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj explained how the period of study in EU partner universities had helped them prepare the training material for these courses and how these had benefitted their own regular teaching. The Women in Business partner who organised SME Workshops in ten locations in Kosovo discussed their experience and how it can be enlarged to cover many other parts of the country.
An important part of the dissemination meeting was the launch of the book ‘From Theory to Practice: Case Studies of Kosovar Companies’. This book contains 28 case studies of Kosovar companies produced by staff from all six partner universities in Kosovo who participated in four workshops on writing case studies in Prishtina, Nottingham and Ancona and were supported by EU colleagues. Case studies were then translated into Albanian so that they can be used by students in a variety of undergraduate courses. Copies of the book will be distributed not just to partner universities but also to non-partner universities in Kosovo. Copies were also sent to a number of universities in Albania and to Albanian speaking universities in Macedonia whose representatives were invited to the Meeting. Prof Muhamet Mustafa, from Riinvest College, edited the book and managed its publication.
The second day of the Meeting discussed the general lessons of the project and how partners can build on its achievements. A number of ideas for future projects were discussed and partners agreed to follow these up. The participants also discussed the issue of Financial Sustainability of Universities in Kosovo and decided to invite the Ministers of Education and Finance and representatives of the Parliament to a meeting in September to impress upon them the importance of the financial autonomy of universities and ways of amending the current laws to facilitate this autonomy.

Case studies book: